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Code of Ethics
Code of Conduct for Commissioners of the Environmental Commission of Trinidad and Tobago
By section 81(3) of the Environmental Management Act 2000, the Environmental Commission is established as a superior court of record. As a consequence, the members of the Commission, both full time and part time, perform a judicial function consistent with a superior court of record. It is necessary therefore, to develop a code of conduct consistent with the status of the Commissioners. The Code set out hereinafter is not intended to be an exhaustive guide for the conduct of the Commissioners. It is however, a series of guidelines intended to assist in the maintenance of high standards of judicial and personal conduct...view the full document (pdf - 84kb)
Code of Conduct for Staff of the Environmental Commission of Trinidad and Tobago
A fair and independent court system is essential to the administration of justice. Proper conduct by officers inspires public confidence and trust in the Environmental Commission. There are therefore certain principles that should govern the conduct of all court officers...view the full document (pdf - 67kb)
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